Photo by Harry Olsson, Golden, Colorado
ESSAYS & REVIEWS By Ellie Seligmann
Understanding the Art of Vocal Embellishment in Handel's Opera Seria Graduate research paper for Baroque Seminar at University of Northern Colorado, Fall 2007.
Reaching Students Through Synectics: A Creative Solution
An exploration of Synectics as an instructional method. Research
paper for a graduate level educational foundations course at University of Colorado, Spring 2007.
Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT): A Brief Description & Review
Written for the Voice Habilitation course at the Summer Vocology Institute in July 2005. The professor of this class
was Dr. Katherine Verdolini, who developed LMRVT.
A Review of Barbara Doscher's The Functional Unity of the Singing Voice"
Written for the Voice for Performers course at the Summer Vocology Institute in July 2005.
The Preservation of the Barbershop Style in Changing Times
Undergraduate research paper for a music history course at Indiana University, Spring 1999.
Examines the history and development of barbershop music. This essay
has been printed in various journals and newsletters across the country.